Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Some Changes Made

Yes, I've made some changes to the site. It was originally going to be a BTS (Behind the Scenes) blog for Fight2, but I haven't done very much animating in the last month. I blame strep throat. After my last post, a week went by, and I get strep throat. You don't feel like animating much with strep throat. So I've changed the blog name for now, as well as the URL. I can't believe '' wasn't taken.

And the blogsphere is surprisingly void in stikfas updates. I check every day, and there is very little. So I'm blogging about it. Just so I can appear more on Technorati.

Currently, I've been in consumption mode as opposed to production mode. So I've been voraciously reading. And now, we will have guests over and that means the Lego room has to be transformed into boring old 'guest room'. It's a sad state of affairs, no more animating for another 2 weeks. Or more, because my parents are coming down too.

So let's try and get this blog back to the topic of stikfas animation. I placed my fight video in a contest at! How fun is that! And then I find out a friend of mine, Jay, is going down to Comic-Con '07, where the winners will be decided on! If I win, I hope they have some sort of presentation that Jay can take pictures or something.

I also check for new stikfas animations on the web. Although this one isn't new, it's one of the animations my animation is going up against in the competition, it's one of the better ones out there!