Monday, July 30, 2007

Contagious Magazine

Whoa, everyone and their brother is posting about stikfas so I figured I'd join the crowd. Well, ok there are seven new posts about stikfas, and four of them are retailers but hey.

So, how are things on the animation front? Well, I haven't done any animating again. We no longer have a billet though, so that means my animation room is free! However, my niece is visiting for the week, which means my animation room is now not free. But that's ok, that also means that I can go to a movie with my wife, hopefully.

I've been rather delinquent this last week as it comes to responsibility. Since our billet, Jason, was with us, and he was 16, and I find that a lot of my interests coincide with the tastes of people half my age, all I did was play.

The first night, we were putting together my LEGO Skeleton Tower which I had won from Brickworld. You see, I had a barbecue on Sunday night, and invited people from my music group, including spouses and kids. Well, all the kids enjoyed playing with my lego, so my the skeletal tower was manhandled all over the living room. Now, as a kid, I KNEW that Lego shouldn't be played with on the couch because the couch is an eating machine of massive proportion. I've lost so many things to the appetite of the couch that I'm afraid to sit on it in fear of being featured on "Handsome People Gone Missing". But there were the children on the couches, playing with my Lego, and there were the Lego, getting lost. Anyway, I put the tower together to verify which pieces were missing. I found most of it, but I lost the crystal ball and the princess. I think Zoe took the princess. She hates me, I know it.

The next night, we practiced our magic tricks. Ekko and Zoe both like
magic tricks so I've been learning card tricks. I think that they're interest is waning, because I'm now at the point where I force them to watch me, but I'm still having fun. The night after that was my weekly DDR night and Neil joined me. Afterwards, we all sat around and talked about old video games, and as Jason was pulling a blank on the majority of video games we were reminiscing so fondly, I realized how clueless the new generation was in regards to video games. A sad state of affairs. So I'm posting an image of Zork I, not because we talked about it, but I feel nostalgic.

Wednesday night, we played BattleLore. I bought this game for an obscene amount of money. I haven't bought many boardgames since Zoe was born, but one day, this obsession came upon me and I just had to get it. So I did. I found it, and I bought it, and we played it. And Jason and I played this game a lot. One game would go for either 45 minutes to an hour, including setup, so that wasn't so bad. I initially bought this game so that I could play it with my wife, because she liked Battle Cry and I would rather play in a setting with fantasy characters than play in a US civil war setting. However, I seem to roll a bit more on the fortuitous side, which increases the anger probability in my wife. She constantly states I have a golden horseshoe up my butt, although her terminology is a bit less G rated. Playing with Jason was great. I could be happy when I rolled a lucky roll. :)

Thursday, I went out for icecream with my girls, and I brought Jason and his leader, Jessica. Afterwards, we played Saboteur, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially myself, because I won all three games and got all the gold. :D Later that night, my brother and sister-in-law came over. Friday night was a slow; two nieces came down and we all just sat and chatted. In fact, Jason and I were talking to my nieces until 2am in the morning. I think Jason wanted to play Saboteur again. Saturday, we did get a chance to play, and then we went out for wings. Finally, Sunday, I got a chance to sleep.

So, needless to say, I haven't done anything productive as of late. And I also went to the library and borrowed a few more books. But just so you know that I am going to keep on topic of Stikfas animation and just not trying for the record of most tags in a blog post, I received an email today from Contagious Magazine. They want to put my Fight movie in their magazine as they're doing a feature on Stikfas! How exciting is that!

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